RPID Meeting Agenda Items
Wednesday 13:00 EDT https://iu.zoom.us/j/300135894
Attendees: Scott, Richard, Allison, Yu, Grabriel, Rob
Apologies: Larry
RPID Meeting Minutes
- NCE Requested.
- Rebudget submitted to IU ORA based on Tufts changes.
- Project Git: https://github.com/Data-to-Insight-Center/SEADTrain
- Talked about more data will publish more data. How the WISE data and Airbox data can be merged.
- Updated document at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iwWcmWXvnJuw61mRKkxYqOZQPIn7TpLRyGcFMqlxzB4/edit
- Discription not accurate.
- Next steps: contact ASTI philipeans galaxy workflows.
- Using RPID testbed to assign handles to all Data Objects. (Previously only workflow given handles.)
- PIDs an finer granularity. Can provide provenence purely from handles.
Jetstream VMs
- Good conversation. Went though the Scholorworks examples.
- Went through examples from Jeremy.
- Get a little more information and determine if the API could be useful.
- Human readable version online.
- One working Handle and DTR in AWS.
- Everytime it is restarted IP address change.
- Pricing for Static IP will be sent.
RPID Services Update
- Weathered a OS maintenance without issue.
- All ansible build needs to be tested to survive reboot.
User Advisory Group
- Doodle Poll completed.
- First UAG Meeting 02 Febuary 2018.
IU Workshop
- Spring, more details coming.
XSEDE Request
- Rob will talk to JP about RPID and do an introduction.