Rejected for presentation, however poster is still possible.
Reviewer scores: One each of 5 (Strong Recommend), 4 (Week Recommend), 3 (Nuetral)
Reviewer 1 Score 4 - Comments: The topic presented is of interest to the audience and is relevant to the conference theme. However, the abstract and the final manuscript has to be formatted according to the conference requirements.
Reviewer 2 Score 5 - Comments: This paper represents a strong case for inclusion to the PEARC19 conference. Although it may have been helpful to have collaborated with peers as co-authors of this work, this study provides a significant contribution to the area of data classification/management. Also, it was great to see the use of XSEDE resources and applied CC* funding to aid in scientific discovery within this subject matter.
Reviewer 3 Score 3 - Comments: What were the outcome of the evaluation of the existing APIs in existing testbed? What steps are being taken that will lead to a broader adoption of your reference implementation? Where will the project be hosted eventually? Some of the acronyms need to be at least expanded once before being used.
OSG All Hands Presentation
Went well, was only a few slides in a SGCI presentation.